Better results
Better doctors
Study smarter for your medical exams with quality MCQs, case studies, and OSCE stations, tailored to the Australian medical curriculum.
Medical Schools using eMedici
Question Bank
Take your clinical reasoning to the next level with thousands of quality MCQs, written for medical students by Australian clinicians and medical education experts.
Streamline Your Study
Any time, any place, any device – jump into a quick revision session or deep dive on a specific topic.

Rich Multimedia
Enhance your learning with high-resolution clinical photography, radiology, ECGs, and more, adapted from real cases.

Complete Explanations
Every question has a full explanation of the correct and incorrect answers, referenced and reviewed by topic experts.

Key Learning Points
Consolidate key knowledge with rapid review of high-yield learning points from questions you've attempted.
Arterial ulcers generally occur at distal sites of least blood supply
Antibiotics are the treatment of choice in a small perinephric or renal abscess
Cervical radiculopathy affects a single nerve root
OSCE Practice
Prepare for your clinical exams with a library of high-quality practice stations, designed by medical educators to help you improve.
Practice Solo or With Friends
Practice by yourself, or join a group with your friends and assign roles to streamline your practice sessions.

Build a Station Queue
Find the stations you want to practice by browsing through the station library, and add them to your group's practice queue.

Start the Clock
Practice while eMedici keeps time, and evaluate your performance with comprehensive marking sheets and station feedback.

Case Studies
Master new topics with hundreds of authentic case studies, inspired by real clinical encounters all across Australia.
Browse Cases
Easily track your progress and learn opportunistically by finding cases relevant to your current study.

Follow the Patient Journey
Navigate through the patient's history, examination, investigations, management, and follow-up, answering questions along the way.

Mock Exams
Benchmark yourself with full-length Mock Exams, curated by medical educators for the highest fidelity and relevance to Australian medical exams.
Powerful Insights
Get real insight into your performance with a cohort comparison and topic breakdown, helping you stay ahead of the curve.

Complete Explanations
Every question has a full explanation of the correct and incorrect answers, referenced and reviewed by topic experts.

One subscription. Unlimited access to eMedici's Australian Medical QBank, OSCE Stations, Case Studies, and Mock Exams.
Get started for free – no credit card required.
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Made in Australia
Wide practice variation exists between Australia, the UK, and the USA.1 Overseas question banks do not reflect Australian healthcare. Gain accurate, dependable, real-world knowledge, for your exams and for your future practice.
Commitment to Quality
Every single item passes through our rigorous review pipeline, and must meet exacting standards of accuracy, realism, and relevance. The result is an unparalleled resource meticulously curated by expert clinicians and medical educators.

Students and educators alike appreciate its quality, versatility, and emphasis on Australian practice. I strongly recommend eMedici to medical schools looking to supplement their e-learning portfolio and support distance learning.
Head of Basic and Clinical Sciences Domain, UND School of Medicine Sydney

eMedici combines high-quality material and robust peer review with a uniquely Australian focus. UNSW students value the confidence they can place in learning relevant information for their future practice. I recommend this excellent resource.
Senior Vice Dean (Education), UNSW Medicine & Health
eMedici is proud to support the amazing work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service. A donation is made for every item that passes through our review pipeline. So far we’ve donated over $10,000.